Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Teen Suicide

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Teen suicide is the third-leading cause of death for ages 15 to 24. What experts say is the causes of committing or thinking suicidal thoughts can be by my different type of ways like psychological, environmental or social factors. Mental illness is consider to be the risk factor for suicide. Teenagers would want to suicide for so many reasons bulling, family problems, personal problems, and so many more.

Is there a reason to talk to teenagers that want to commit suicide?

Even though people who are thinking of suicide might not ask for help, it doesn't mean that they don't want help. according to the website most of the people who want to commit suicide don't want to actually do it and die, the only reason they do it is because they want all their problems to go away and for it not to hurt anymore. So there probably is a reason to talk to them, it's even possible to save that person from hurting or even killing themselves.

What drives so many teenagers to take their own lives?

Besides depression, they say that a suicidal person is in so much pain that death is the only option for it all to stop. Some people find life hard but they make it and live on to do successful things but others think it's just too much especially if other people are bringing that person down and that's never good because there's a limit into pushing a person, push a person too far and you got a person with a bullet in his head; push them just enough and you got a person who's moving on with his or her life  and doing something good. Many teenagers take their own lives because they are being bullied, physically abused, family problems, loss of a loved one, and many other things. As said on the website "suicide is a desperate attempt to escape suffering that has become unbearable." being so blind with just the idea of death they don't see any alternative, all they think about is death.

Are the suicide rates different for males and females?

Males attempt more lethal and deadly methods and females not so much but there is although a higher rate for them than males. Making the 10th leading cause of death for Americans nearly 41,149 suicides were reported, so someone died every 12.8 minutes and all this was in the year 2013.
More males commit suicide than females.

What is a family's reaction when their own son or daughter commits suicide?

There is a mixture of emotions like anger, sadness, guilt, shame and fear. Some families even blame themselves for not helping them and preventing it from happening. Of course they would be heartbroken but besides that in my opinion I feel like nothing would be the same as it was before. Everything in a family would change, it would have an impact on the brothers and sisters, probably the most impact would be on the parents because they would be thinking "where did we go wrong, what could we have done to not let this happen, we're horrible." and the question that would be with them, that will bring them down and they will never really know the answer to would be "why?" because no one really knows why they did what they did.

What are the most common methods of suicide?

The most common method I believed it was hanging but that's the second top method of suicide, the first common method are firearms mostly white males end their life with guns. For men and women the second type of method is, as I said before, hanging. women mostly take a lot of medication and self-poison themselves (drug overdose)
So men use hanging or firearms and women use medication or hanging to end their life.



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